I clearly don't know how to do the You-Tube thing, so maybe Brian can help me when he gets home. But I'm here with my kids, we've had a wonderful day of celebration! Ben is so excited for his birthday! We went out to lunch, bought a balloon, he helped me make his cake, and now waiting for Daddy so we can open presents and eat said cake!
We were sad to turn on the tv and see what happened this morning as we were celebrating. My heart is broken for those families who got up this morning, sent their kids to school as they always do, and then this. So tragic. We will give extra hugs and kisses to everyone today and remember that you need to tell each other how much we love them!
Ok, anyway, updates:
Ben: FOUR YEARS OLD TODAY! He's thriving! He screamed "Birthday boy here!" all the way through the grocery store this morning! Never shy! His biggest achievement as he hits 4 is that he is completely out of any sort of pull up! Even at night!!!!! It's so nice for all of us!
Hailey: 18months old! She had her developmental exam yesterday and has her physical on Monday (as does Ben). She exceeded everything except verbal skills. Yuck. She has a big brother that does all the talking for her! She was able to point to all appropriate pictures and body parts but she just can't quite say them all. She has her words for things which are generally the beginning of the actual word (example: "Mill"=Milk, "No"=nose, "plee"= please, and a ton more). The Dr. said she's not worried yet because she is trying and mimicking so well. As for any of her motor skills, she is off the chart! She's doing a lot of things at a 2 year old level. Likely keeping up with Ben has assisted in this!
Now, I know there a number of parenting no-no's in this video, but I think I can explain at least a couple. Hailey doesn't have a shirt on because she just messed it up at dinner, we stripped it off and she ran over to do this. She's standing on a chair, I know, but they were having so much fun! Ben's playing a video game, I know. He's actually getting very good at them and we are limiting his use of media!
Benjamin Lee Bishop, December 14, 2008 |
Benjamin Lee Bishop, December 14, 2012 |