The weekend didn't start out so nice. As I was waiting for Jeannine to arrive I thought I would let Abby out one more time. She was going to be alone all day, and I thought it would be nice for her to stretch her legs a bit more. I called her back from her adventure out in the field and noticed immediately that she was now a chocolate lab. Yes, for the third time in her 5 years she rolled in some other animal's waste product. As many of you know, we have a horse farm behind us. You got it?
I couldn't very well leave her all day like this, so I ended up furiously scrubbing her in the backyard. I used an expletive or two, as Jeannine could tell you as she laughed uncontrollably at me from the back deck.
Luckily, the rest of the weekend went a bit smoother. The ride was nice. Ben and I had a GREAT time with the Trice family. Jackson and Ben are definitely going to be best friends. Jackson had a bit of a cold which so far (knock on wood) neither me, nor Ben has had a symptom. Ben had a bit of a fever and was super crabby on Monday. The fever was such that I thought he better stay home being that he was just around another sick kid. But, no cold, only three more teeth. We now have 2 on the bottom, one on top, and the two front teeth are just breaking the surface. Teething is throwing all of us for a loop. He's a bit more sensitive these days, and up at least once most nights.
Back to the weekend. Jen and I caught up on all our gossip. Shared loads of parenting tips. We did some of this soaking in her parent's pool on Saturday which felt SO good. Ben slept through the whole thing, which actually made it kind of nice for me. After soaking in the pool for a while, we headed over to Tim and Sandra's to see new baby Declan. He is so tiny! I held him for most of the afternoon. He's such a good baby. Tristan is falling nicely into the big brother role, and Tim and Sandy are happy, tired, but happy.
And, more exciting news! I am going to be a Godmother! Yes, little Jackson is going to be baptized and I was asked to hold the honor of Godmother! I am full of tons of spiritual advice and life experiences. Seriously though, I am extremely honored and cannot wait!
The weekend was nice but fast. It is nice to be home this weekend to see Brian, spend some family time together and clean my poor, neglected house.
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