Feb 2, 2009

He will get hair!

So, as you can see, I'm getting closer to catching that adorable smile on film! He is down right giggling now, too! This is as close as I've gotten, but you get the idea! He's more likely to smile in the morning and only when you are face to face with him. He just loves it!

The top picture was of Brian and Ben watching the superbowl. Can you tell they are father and son or what?! My Dad was also here this past weekend to deliver our crib. Yes, we finally have a crib and he slept in it last night. Didn't sleep any more, but none the less, he was in his own room for the first time. He is also napping there right now. I'm now in the process of hanging things appropriately, and will get some pics up of that, soon. My kid's only almost 2 months old and we're just getting this done, but that's what we get for having a roof leak and ceiling collapse 2 months before baby is born.

So, everything is going well. Brian is pretty convinced that Ben will always be bald and will never get eyebrows. I'm trying to convince him otherwise. I was the same way and now I have a ton of hair. And, I DO have eyebrows, they are just really light, but Ben's will come in and take after his Dad, I'm sure of it (fingers crossed).

This weekend we are having Karen, Barry, and Allison up. Allison will get to meet her nephew for the first time! We are so excited about it. Ben and I are going to practice smiling all week to get ready.

Well, I hear that nap time is over, hopefully no typos because I'm just gonna post and run and get my baby!

Love everyone!

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