Another week gone by! We have been super productive this past week and it's getting real exciting around here. And exhausting! As you can see above we now have a car seat so we can bring baby home from the hospital and a playpen that will give him a place to sleep near my bed for a while. We have yet to get a crib but that's on the "t0-do" list for the coming weeks. It's been nice to have our house in one piece to allow us to get these things and enjoy this time anticipating our little man.
I'm feeling pretty good. My body is going through some things, that although other women warned me, I just can't believe are happening! Really nothing bad, it could be worse. All the adverse effects are far outweighed by feeling this little person inside. He is getting BIG! Last night I was lying in bed and all the sudden, it's like he stretched out as much as he could. I had his head on my bladder and his legs WAY UP in my rib cage. It was not the most pleasant sensation in the world so we had to have a little mother to son chat. We've got to share this body for another five weeks or so, and this just won't do if he thinks he can just break my ribs whenever he wants! Right? Well, we'll see if he listens. It's been fun feeling him move around. It's not just little bumps and kicks every once and while anymore. We can really feel various body parts moving about or pushing out and it seems almost like constant squirming.
We had a doctor's appointment this morning and everything is going along perfect. Everything is right where it needs to be, nothing to report. Heart rate perfect, size perfect, moving great, and cooking away. My contractions are still coming on a bit stronger, sometimes slightly painful, but for the most part, just still tightening everything. Hard to believe that we just have a little over a month. We have continued with our birthing class every Thursday evening. We got the tour of the maternity ward this past week. We got to go through at the perfect time. There were babies in the nursery for me to stare at, and we even witnessed a new Dad coming out of a room to announce to waiting relatives that "HE'S HERE." I cried my freaking eyes out. I tried to stay composed being that we were in a large group, but I mean, come on! It was so surreal to think of what is coming for us in that place. We've also been practicing relaxation and massage techniques for the big day. I'm getting nervous! The bigger he gets, the more I'm like "I have to do what?" I have always said I would like to try without an epidural, but it's sounding nicer and nicer and it gets closer. We'll see, I'm leaving my options open.
I think that's all for right now. We're heading off to Michigan this weekend to see my Mom's show and then again next weekend to celebrate Thanksgiving at the cottage. I'm looking forward to Thursday and Friday off of work. I've been saving up my time off for the maternity leave that I have not had ANY time off in quite a while. My body is feeling it, too. So, Brian and I are going to hang out and have a quiet Thanksgiving day in our new house with a turkey dinner and football. And then Friday head up to the cottage to see the family. And yes, my doctor said I could go.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone from Patti, Brian, Abby, and Baby Bishop
Hello from Louisville!
ReplyDeleteBrian, your mom just sent me this site and I just love it! I wish I would've had this technology when Graham and Kelsey were little! We've been thinking about you and Patti alot (and Abby, too)! YOu and Patti are in for such a wonderful time!!! I look forward to the updates and especially the photos! Love to you all! erica